I love taking the memories that babywearing wraps hold and turn them into cozy quilts to create new memories. This Didymos Nebbia Fish did a full circle before becoming a house warming gift.

Babywearing introduced me to many wonderful women who have become close friends. One close knit group of friends started as a text chat about how to do a back ruck carry and 7 years later continues to be a group that still chats on a daily basis.

Our group has seen each other through good and bad. New babies, career milestones, ending of relationships, new relationships, major moves, life changes. Pandemics… We live in cities across Canada and in different time zones, but we are always there for each other.

When one friend lost her Nebbia while going through a tough time, it felt like one more kick when she was already down. Another friend in the group lifted her back up by gifting her own Nebbia as a replacement.

I got a chance to try wrapping with Nebbia during a west coast get together. It could contain even my Ruck breaking starfish!

This is a more accurate photo of the wiggly one. I was bathing her brother to warm him up after he decided swimming in the west coast ocean in November was an awesome idea. She thought unrolling that entire roll of toilet paper was an awesome idea.

And just because, one of my favourite photos from the visit.

Fast forward 6 years and babywearing days are over for our group. New life challenges and new stages of parenthood are now the topics of our conversations. Earlier this year, the friend who gifted Nebbia started her own new journey as a separated parent in a new house.

And what better housewarming present than a quilt! My friends know quilts are my go-to for gifts and being offered this special wrap to make a special quilt, I couldn’t say no.

I fussy cut the squares to capture the feeling of the wrap  – fish swimming together in schools. I found just one going his own way, can you find him?

The pattern is called Flight Quilt by Joanne’s Design. Flight. Swim. Flight of Fish. It’s close, right?  Maybe they are all heading home?

I used the tutorial for Organic Straight Lines by A Quilter’s Table for the top quilting as the look of waves was perfect for this quilt. I’ve tried this before, but using the tutorial was the first time I was successful at achieving the look I wanted! The tutorial does state there is always a stage you question how it will look.  When quilting my Shattered quilt, I did stop and didn’t do the last step.  It worked for that quilt, but didn’t get the full effect I was hoping for.   I’m glad I stuck with it for this one!

The back on this quilt included a piece of West Coast C wrap, which was designed and handwoven by Bonny Baby as a custom wrap made for our group. I love that I could include both of these meaningful wraps on the same quilt.

I don’t always get picture of my quilts in their new homes, but when your friend has a Pinterest worthy setup, you ask for a copy of the photo.  Ahhh. Just where it was meant to be.

The quilt in its natural setting